c. 2005 Perfect Fourth, all rights reserved for all pages and contents. website creation: David Donofrio
rushing forward
prism concert 5.26.05

P4 showed a new maturity in this concert. Their performance
of Something brought their vocal talent to a different level. No
part overpowered another, and the quality was sweet and
melodious. "Something" about Michael's lead-singing had the
audience mesmirized. Yet there was a blend in this song that
made it moving to the listener. Perhaps it was the harmony, or
more likely, the developing dynamic of the group. There was
also a duet between group members Sam and James that
showcased Wienke's best-ever vocal performance. The stylistic
elements of St. James Infirmary suited the two, well, "perfectly."
The two clearly had the blessing of Wienke's namesake.  It was
apparent that as a whole, the members of Perfect Fourth have
been working harder than ever in the light of their upcoming CD.

march 2005
Read the full-page p4 interview by Lauren Smith in this month's edition of Dublin Scioto High School's award-winning publication, the Irish Eye.
c. 2005 Perfect Fourth, all rights reserved for all pages and contents. website creation: David Donofrio